Deutsch lernen als Engländer
Software zum Deutschlernen mit Menüführung auf Englisch
Dieser Kurs ist anders als andere Sprachkurse:
Deutsch lernen leicht gemacht:
Mit diesem Deutschkurs lernen Sie in 3 Monaten über 1.300 deutsche Vokabeln.
Sie erreichen das Niveau A1 und A2 des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens. -
Deutsch wie es wirklich gesprochen wird:
In 42 Dialogtexten lernen Sie viele Alltagssituationen kennen, die Ihnen beim Leben in Deutschland immer wieder begegnen.
Diese Lektionstexte bieten Ihnen jede Menge Konversationswissen auf Deutsch. -
Deutsche Grammatik von A bis Z:
Dieser Kurs enthält eine umfangreiche Grammatik zum Deutschlernen.
In über 120 Grammatik-Lektionen lernen Sie mit leicht verständlichen Beispielen und vielen Übungen die deutsche Grammatik kennen. -
Die Tagesaufgaben helfen Ihnen schnell Deutsch zu lernen:
Sie lernen jeden Tag nur 15 bis 20 Minuten. -
Deutsch lernen und nie wieder vergessen:
Dieser Deutschkurs arbeitet mit der einzigartigen Langzeitgedächtnis-Lernmethode. -
Zufriedene Kunden bestätigen uns:
Das Deutschlernen mit diesem Kurs macht Spaß! - ISBN 978-3-86725-909-5
German Course - Vokabeltrainer: Deutsch für Engländer
In unseren Kursen "Deutsch für Engländer" sind die Software und das Menü komplett auf Englisch.
German Course
This Vocabulary trainer is different to all the others:
- You can learn for the holidays, or a fluent understanding for living in Germany or with a German partner.
- Varied daily exercises and a large selection of interactive exercises will help keep you motivated to learn every day.
This course uses the unique Long Term Memory Method from Sprachenlernen24. - In our exclusive Learning community of Sprachenlernen24 you can meet other students and make new friends.
Diese Niveaustufen erreichen Sie mit unseren Kursen:
- Basiskurs: Basic Vocabulary (Level A1/A2)
- Aufbaukurs: Intermediate Vocabulary (Level B1/B2)
- Fachwortschatz: Advanced Vocabulary (Level C1/C2)
- Businesskurs: Advanced Vocabulary (Level C1/C2)
Learn German quickly and effectively with our successful tried and tested learning methods - in only 17 minutes per day
Our course is unique and different!
- Learn a new language with just 17 minutes of study per day.
- After just three months you will have gained a broad understanding of the language.
You will be able to build sentences and speak German. - Our language courses are equipped with 'super-learning technology'.
With the new super-learning technology you can concentrate better and learn on average 32% faster. - In a matter of only three months you will have learned a wide-ranging and useful number of words.
- You learn quickly and efficiently.
The program provides you with new and practical exercises every day to keep you motivated. - With this beginner's course you will have reached the A1 and A2 levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
- This course offers a number of different learning methods, giving you the opportunity to choose what works best for you.
Fun and easy with manageable and attainable goals, the way learning a new language should be. - This course does not have to be installed. It is very user friendly and .
The German Beginner's Course comprises:
- You learn how to use these words in complete sentences with the help of the many dialogues, texts and phrasesdesigned for this purpose.
- At the end of the German Beginner's Course, you will have a basic vocabulary of over 1300 words.
- All of the vocabulary and texts have been recorded by a German native speakers.
From the very beginning, you learn clear, accent free pronunciation with the correct emphasis.
What do our clients say
... regarding the learning methods of our language courses
- "The vocabulary trainer is jut awesome!!! This is how you motivate people to learn! Words have to be repeated until you spell them correctly. Also, I think its great being tested in both languages. Either one way or the other, it's up to you. I'm pretty sure this how you will remember your vocabulary! The texts are chosen very well, directly taken out of every day life, very understandable for everyone, meaningful and very helpful for general use. I also like being able listening to the texts line by line and listening to the vocabulary particularly as often as you want to. This programm is super easy to handle. Thumbs up!"
(Meagan Lewis) - "I particularly loved being able to choose between possibilities and ways offered to workout a key subject. This is especially relevant when acquisitioning vocabulary. Thus, I can choose for my individual way of learning."
(Regina Fitzgerald) - "I'm fully pleased with this product. It's been delivered promptly and comprising by your company. The quality of you exercises is particularly pleasing to me. By purchasing the language course I'm able to set my learning rate individually. By this there wasn't any need to attend a language course offered in my home country, instead I'm practising from home. Your company can be recommended with clear consciences!"
(Doro Graham)